
The greatest chains that hold you down are the ones unseen by the human eye.


Is cutting chords and truly breathing for the first time, just as when you started this journey at birth;

Freedom is holding space for another and recognizing that in so doing, you are also holding space for YOU;

Freedom is recognizing that fear is a construct of the mind. It does not dwell within a heartbeat…it is neither a life force, nor a necessity. It is a chain.

Freedom is found within the very boundaries you place to keep not only toxicity out, but peace within.

Freedom comes in the realization that there is only one formula for love. It is unconditional;

Freedom is being neither tied to, tied down or tied up in expectations. Flow with the river. Fly with the birds. Accept the phases of the moon. These are all natural progressions and in trusting the process, you will find true freedom.

Freedom is found when you love yourself enough to know that it matters little what others think, feel or expect from you because what matters is what YOU think, feel and expect from yourself.

Freedom is accepting that there are no answers and that’s the beauty of life. It is where we grow and learn to find the pearls of freedom.

Freedom is expansion. It Never constricts. It is always steadfast whether in motion or standing firm.

Freedom is found in silence, music, the heartbeat of a lover. Freedom is rhythm, flows in the fluidity of motion and can only be yours when you accept that you deserve peace and the ability to move in your own skin, feel from your heart and guide your own soul.

Photo Cred: Flor Garduño

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