Why Love is Love is Love

To my children and the children of this world….

Take a moment and look at our infinitely beautiful planet earth. Look at it in relation to the universe. Recognize how we are just a speck in this galaxy of stars, planets and cosmic dust. We are but a part of a greater whole and as we live our every day lives with all its drama and complications, all its strife and hatred, all of its injustices and divisions, none of these make part of the greatest aspect of our uniquely human existence….love.

We are love, we give love and we make love. We are powerful beyond measure and hate cannot win. For hatred can only win when we lose sight of our speck-like existence on this earth and in this universe. When we falsely believe that we are more than what we fundamentally are…a miraculous arrangement of air, water, earth and even fire, for without the sun we would be nothing. We are all the same and all connected, yet we pretend to be that which we are not. We pretend to be superior. We pretend to know more. We pretend that our own beliefs, customs, mannerisms and how we use these shells our souls are housed within matter more than our neighbour whose own beliefs, customs, mannerisms and bodies are different than our own. That my fellow brother loves differently than I somehow has become an affront to our very nature…why? Why do we believe that our own self-definitions are challenged and threatened by the self-definition of another? Why not embrace the differences and learn? Why not accept and break down the walls so that we can build the bridges and live in harmony? Why not simply love?

Love does not separate. It does not differentiate. It does not validate nor quantify … it just is. It allows for life to be. It celebrates uniqueness and says, ‘you are love, and you are love, and so are you’. It is inclusive, not exclusive.

So my kids, this planet is your home. Build it upon a solid foundation of love, acceptance, emotional and spiritual intelligence. Nurture it, do not destroy it. Ignorance is not bliss, it is ignorance plain and simple. So open your minds and hearts, send out love so that hate can never win.

To all the people in this world who have suffered at the hands of hatred and ignorance, division and oppression….I send my love. I can only hope that one day our children will help shift our energies to a place of peace and acceptance of all. Love is love is love….and we are its channel.

Love is embedded in every walk of life, every religious belief, every culture, every sex, every age, every everything. It is time to end the division, forget about walls and truly build bridges. For we will all come and we will all go, but what remains forever is love. 

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